Natural Remedies for Common Winter Illnesses: From Zinc to Probiotics

There are many natural remedies for common winter illnesses. Here is a guide to natural remedies for the cold, flu, sore throat and coughing. The doses here are recommended for adults. For a child between the ages of twelve and seventeen, reduce the recommended dose to three quarters of the amount. Use one half of the recommended dose for a child between the ages of six and twelve. As always, consult your health care provider before taking any supplements.
Natural Remedies To Treat A Cold

Taking zinc lozenges every 3 hours for up to 3 days helps boost the immune system. I usually keep these on hand and take them when I see the first signs that I'm getting a cold. Make sure to avoid lozenges that have citric acid or sorbitol because these ingredients will inhibit the body's ability to absorb the zinc.

Elderberry is also useful for upper respiratory infections and headaches that come with colds. This herb also causes you to sweat and will help break a fever. Elderberry contains antioxidant flavonoids that protect the cell walls from foreign substances and this includes the cold virus.

Get Rid Of The Flu Naturally

Elderberry is a natural remedy for the flu as well. It can be taken in capsule form or in a tea. It has antiviral properties that will reduce flu symptoms. It also works to reduce excess mucus. Maitake, shiitake and reishi mushrooms also stimulate the immune cells. They are essential for fighting the flu because they have an immune boosting power and antiviral properties that have been used in traditional Japanese herbology for hundreds of years.

Sore Throat

Whenever I have a sore throat I turn to probiotics. Acidophilus is a great way to replenish the good bacteria and will help sooth a sore throat. Taking 2 tablespoons twice a day on an empty stomach usually helps me feel better in three days. There is also a nondairy formula by Nature's Life for those who are lactose intolerant.

Add three to six drops of tea tree oil to warm water and gargle. You can also gargle with apple cider vinegar. Gargle either of the two three times a day. Both of them have antibacterial qualities that will kill the germs in the throat and mouth.


Wild pansy can be prepared as a tea or cough syrup and will soothe really dry coughs and congestion. To make this tea you pour 2 cups of hot water over 2 teaspoons of wild pansys and steep for ten minutes. Strain and drink the tea two to three times a day after meals. You can make it into a cough syrup by adding 1 tablespoon of tea to ¾ cup of water and one tablespoon of syrup. Take 1tablespoon of this three times a day to suppress coughing.

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